Green Meetings & Green Events

Certification of events

Kleinwalsertal im Nebel

It is possible to certify events like congresses, meetings, company events, seminars or trade fairs with the Österreichische Umweltzeichen – the Eco Symbol of Austria – for ‘Green Meetings and Green Events’. With this certificate event organisers generate positive accents for the environment and  the events’ standing can therefore be improved among participants, sponsors and the population.

The certification process takes into account criteria from the following fields:

  • Regional value creation and social compatibility
  • Environmentally friendly arrival and departure
  • Venues and accommodations with environmental awareness
  • Catering / hospitality with local foods and drinks of high quality or organic quality
  • Environmentally friendly materials procurement
  • Waste prevention, separation and disposal 

Full version of the guideline

Convention Partner Vorarlberg has been licensed to use the ‘Green Meetings and Green Events’ eco symbol and certify events as sustainable since 2013 and gladly assist to certificate your event . Other licensees in Vorarlberg include the Festspielhaus Bregenz, the Kulturhaus in Dornbirn, the Montforthaus in Feldkirch, the Pfänderbahn AG in Bregenz, (f)acts Events and the event agency WEGWEISER.


The regional “ghörig feschta” programme supports associations, municipalities and other organisations in the planning and implementation of sustainable events. Goals include the predominant use of regionally produced food and drinks, the use of public transport, and waste minimization through efficient techniques and recycling.