The secret behind cheese-making is much less complicated than you’d think. All you need to make your own cream cheese is half a day’s time, a few litres of milk, the right recipe and ingredients – and an introduction into cheese-making at one of the region’s professional alpine dairies. As a company event, cheese-making is an exceptional experience which delights both the culinary-minded and the DIY-minded. Enthusiasm ensures the long-term effect of this workshop, since attendees can easily hone their cheese-making skills at home. It’s hardly surprising that the alpine dairies are enjoying a good number of bookings, since self-made cheese makes you happy.
Provider/Locations in Vorarlberg (Websites in German only):
- Duration: 2 hours
- Participants: 4 - 100 people
- Participants: 8 - 20 people
Erlebnissennen im Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal
- Duration: 3 hours
- Participants: 10 - 20 people