Husky Incentive, Vorarlberg

Once upon a time, you had to travel to the far north to take a dog-pulled sleigh ride, to experience up close the life of a musher in the wilderness. These days, however, a lovely team of dogs awaits guests in the Bregenzerwald and in the Brandnertal. Once you have made your acquaintance with the dogs and taken a short trial run, off you go into the terrain. Lovely winter landscapes off the beaten track offer an exceptional experience – without the coldness of the Arctic. Driving a dog-pulled sleigh presents a particular type of leadership training and team building, or can simply function as a relaxing, lovely trip out in the unspoilt nature after a meeting or a seminar.

Provider/Locations in Vorarlberg (Websites in Germany only):

Husky Toni im Brandnertal
Huskytouren im Kleinwalsertal 

  • Duration: 3 - 4 Stunden


Husky Incentive, Vorarlberg
Husky Incentive, Vorarlberg