
Nostalgisches Rheinbähnle

How does a steam locomotive actually operate? And how far can it go? You can find out all this and much, much more at Rhein-Schauen. You'll get to know the workshops and vehicles, see how the machines are prepared for the journey, and can even participate as a passenger. Meals are available upon request at the Werkhof Lustenau, and if you like, you can be guided through the various museum halls. Rhein-Schauen is a wonderful option for a side program, as you can rent the meeting room with a projector for seminars or workshops. The exact program is decided entirely on an individual basis, with support from the Rhein-Schauen team.

Dampflock, Rheinbähnle
Rheinbähnle am Rheindamm
Rheinschauen, Dampflock