Luftaufnahme von der Karren Bergsation in Dornbirn

Panoramarestaurant am Karren

True to its name, panoramic views are a constant presence in this restaurant with its huge glass facade.

DornbirnEventlocation Request

The restaurant promises “976 meters above normality, in every way”, something it manages with aplomb. The cuisine, views and ambiance are an alluring combination, making it an ideal location for events looking for something a little special. The glassy restaurant offers seating for 150 people, as well as another 40 in the cosy Stüble with its fresco by Leopold Fetz. In summer, guests can enjoy the gentle mountain breeze on the terrace with enough space for 200. And it’s all within easy reach, thanks to the Karren cable car for comfy and accessible travel; sporty members of the group can also choose to make the way up by foot.

Panoramarestaurant am Karren

Gütlestraße 6
6850 Dornbirn
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Key Data

Namedivisible in
(m² per part)
Capacity in
banquet style
Panoramarestaurant Karren265m²130/135130-